If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me. If the button does not work send to rohncollins@cox.net

Carving at Doane in 2009
People  ask where I get supplies. I purchase my carving tools , knives and books from various places but prefer to order from the experts. Both companies offer outstanding service and products

I get my wood and any roughouts from Moore roughouts. They use only Northern Minnesota basswood, which is the best in my opinion.  Besides being great suppliers, Pat and Randy Moore are both very talented woodcarvers, and I am happy to call them my friends
I am fortunate to belong to one of the greatest carving clubs in the Midwest. They offer meetings, instructions and a complete library of reference materials. They also have some of the most talented woodcarvers anywhere who are willing to answer any questions. Check out their website for more information. 
Meet Katie and Oliver